Photo/ Ayatollah Arafi meets Head of Burkina Faso's Tijāniyyah sect of Sufism
Mohammad Maiga is the head of Burkina Faso Tijāniyyah order (tariqa) of Sufi mysticism, a Sufi tariqa (order, path) which is widespread in northern and…
Ayatollah Arafi urges Boosting Seminary Media
Ayatollah Arafi pointed to the developments of the media center and Cyberspace of the seminaries and expressed,” The media center for cyberspace at the…
Ayat. Arafi Condemns Anti-Islamic Acts in Europe
Hujjat al-Islam Mofatteh, head of Hamburg Islamic Center, met with Ayatollah Arafi and they discussed the ongoing issues relating to European Muslims.
Ayatollah Arafi Meets with Serbian Ambassador to Iran
The head of Iranian seminaries described the religious and philosophical thought of divine religions as an essential bridge for establishing relations…
Photo/ Ayatollah Arafi Meets President of Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research
The Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR) is an Iranian public non-governmental institution, established in 1980, with the mission…
18 August 2022 - 19:51
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